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ahha closes, OKPOP delayed: Is Tulsa's oligarchy competent?

Looks like Tulsa's billionaire overlords aren't as competent as they pretend to be. If they're going to insist on being in charge and push us to elect their minions, couldn't they at least show some signs of competence? And maybe a little frugality along the way?

Charles Spurgeon resources

Recently I've returned to the habit of reading a book before bedtime and when eating on my own, leaving aside the digital device and focusing my attention on the printed page. In the past few weeks I've finished Calvin Coolidge's autobiography, Arnold Dallimore's biography of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a short...

Tulsa redecorates Golden Driller, begs for Tesla

It's cringe-worthy. Some persons, apparently with the permission of the Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority, painted the Tesla logo on the chest of the Golden Driller, and painted the name Tesla on his belt buckle, over the word Tulsa. If that weren't bad enough, used some kind of wrap to...

Rand McNally on the Internet Archive

On the Map Scans Facebook group, someone posted a link to the Internet Archive's copy of the 1980 State Farm Road Atlas, which was a rebranded Rand McNally Road Atlas. That got me wondering about finding earlier editions, and I did a search for items published by Rand McNally. The...

Tom Coburn's farewell to the Senate

Oklahoma's U. S. Senator Tom Coburn did not suffer from senioritis. He made the most of every minute of the final weeks of his ten years in the Senate. On December 9, Coburn issued the latest and last in his long-running series of reports on government waste. Tax DecoderTom_Coburn-Tax_Decoder-2014.pdf, an...

ZivaGate: Ziva Branstetter accused of collusion in Rutkauskas offensive against blog critic

UPDATE 2013/06/20: See below regarding the letter from Tulsa World attorney Schaad Titus to blogger Sean Kelly. This is a bizarre story, and it doesn't look good for one of the stars of local print journalism. Other outlets have covered it well, but it deserves to be noted here. Tulsa...

Kathy Taylor and Mayors Against Illegal Guns

UPDATE 2013/06/08: As I've examined news releases and articles from the initial Mayors Against Illegal Guns summit, the picture is emerging that Kathy Taylor was even farther from being a mere passive attendee in Michael Bloomberg's group than I thought. I've added some links and photos below. Taylor was part...

I/ITSEC 2012: World's largest simulation conference recognizes Tulsa-area engineers

In case you wondered what I've been up to: I'm on my way back to Tulsa after a week at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. The conference brings together the military agencies that need training devices, the companies (big...

Happy St. David's Day

I had planned to post this first thing this morning, but computer problems prevented, and then grim news seemed more important. We all could use some music and laughter about now, I think. The four countries of the United Kingdom are of such great antiquity that they can't mark a...

<em>Whirled</em> behind the wall

Tulsa's sole daily newspaper, the Tulsa World, will launch its new paywall this coming Monday, according to a story at, which, ironically, is free. The paywall will allow viewing only 10 locally-produced stories a month without a subscription. According to the announcement in the World (see it free while...

Home from San Antone

I can hardly believe I'm done. I can hardly believe I won't be back again soon. I've spent most of the last three months working 60+ plus hours per week on a project in San Antonio. That's on top of another month early last fall and a few weeks last...

Oklahoma links, 2010/06/21

Way back in the first week of BatesLine's existence, I posted photos of Midwest City's doomed Tinker Plaza shopping center. Downtown on the Range has photos of and commentary on the new-urbanist Midwest City Town Center that took its place. Tyson and Jeane Wynn have posted their 50th WynnCast, covering,...

"The Flickr community is invited to assist in the identification..."

Some time ago, I wrote a blog post urging the stewards of the Beryl Ford Collection to post the collection on Flickr, so as to invite public participation in collecting data about people, places, and times depicted in photos and ephemera from Tulsa history. A couple of months later, I...

Karen Keith trying to bully neighborhood leader off planning commission

UPDATE 11:40 a.m. 2009/11/02: Liz Wright called earlier this morning to tell me that the County Commission voted to approve the November 23 public hearing. Karen Keith based her call for a hearing on the need for geographical balance and her desire to make her own appointment, neither of which...

Poll comparison

This morning the Tulsa World finally got around to publishing the poll it commissioned from I say "finally got around" because polling was completed on September 1, five days ago. It seems to me that if you're in the business of news, and you have a newsworthy story, you...

Palin and the American grassroots tradition

Why are Asian investors keeping their money in America? According to Asia Times columnist Spengler, it's because of Sarah Palin. Or rather, it's because of a political culture that allows concerned citizens like Palin to emerge to challenge and expose corruption. You need to read the whole thing. There are...

TDA breaks its word, dumps Lofts @ 120

What a day. We learned a lot. We learned that when the Tulsa Development Authority approves an exclusive negotiating period, it's not necessarily exclusive -- they'll shove you aside if a more powerful suitor comes along -- they may not negotiate in good faith, and the period may be terminated...

Golden Driller evicted

Not really. But there's a parody news story about Randi Miller sending the big guy packing on a new blog called Irritated Tulsan. Here's how it starts: The Tulsa County Fair Board continued their un-expansion Tuesday with the eviction of the Golden Driller. "The Golden Driller was unable to provide...

Independence, Kansas, is FUN-FUL

One of my earliest blog entries was about a brief visit four years ago to Riverside Park in Independence, Kansas, on the way home from seeing my cousin graduate from Lawrence High School. Last Saturday, my uncle was celebrating his 50th birthday, so I drove myself and the toddler north,...

Bell's gets help

Over the weekend, I received an e-mail from the proprietor of Super Steve's Super Site, a Tulsa-based website devoted to amusement parks. He had some happy news about Bell's Amusement Park's progress toward clearing the fairgrounds location and getting their rides stored in hopes of reopening elsewhere. Tulsa Steel Services...

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